Saturday, May 30, 2009

Hey GOP: She's legal and her name is not Maria!!!

Leave it to Republicans to try and turn a person's vast accomplishments to a reason why they would be "unqualified" for the Supreme Court. Despite the fact that most of her colleges have described her simply as "Brilliant", this woman has as a story, much like Pres Obama's, that should inspire us all.

So in honor of President Obama's nomination of the truly qualified Nuyorican Judge, Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court, I'd like to dedicate a song to all the GOP detractors who have called her everything from A LIBERAL ACTIVIST, to a RACIST, to an ILLEGAL, to the ever endearing "MARIA" (no Mike Huckabee, she will not be cleaning your house or watching your children). So for all you conservative ratones enjoy "El Raton", by Cheo Feliciano and the Fania All Stars (also peep Carlos Santana's little bro Jorge on the guitar solo).

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog. Sotomayor is being raked through the coals for commenting that her background gives her a unique and uncommon perspective...but I think she'll be fine. Go Sonia!
