Thursday, March 5, 2009


Okay so this is my first experience in blogging. What shall I start of with?....With an introduction of course! Well who exactly am I? No one of really. I've started this blog simply as an experiment. Am I looking to share my inner most thoughts with world?....probably not. Am I wanting to give my opinion on every piece of web news and comment on every silly celebrity photo that hits the internet?...not really. Truth is, there are very few singular opinions out there that are worth anything, however most folks in the blogosphere and various other forms of media, new and old, seem to think otherwise. Everyone thinks their opinion is valuable. So what does this mean...well quite frankly if everyone's opinion is important than NO one's (or no ONE) opinion is important. So what the heck I am trying to get at....I don't know. Just trying this thing out.

peace out suckas!!!! =)